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Understanding Family Law Is More Than Just For Custody Cases

Family lawyers are typically called upon when a legal dispute or issue involving family members needs to be resolved. These laws vary depending on the state, and are made to preserve the rights of individual family members while upholding the interests of the family structure as a whole.
Many families are often unsure of the role and importance of a family lawyer. The attorneys at The Richardson Firm can help you understand several ways in which a family lawyer can assist you.
Family lawyers are legal professionals that specialize in those things that deal with family law. They handle legal issues that are concerned with members of the family. Such legal issues may include divorce, child custody, and guardianship among others.
These are some of the things that family lawyers can do:
Marriage Preparation – Every state has different laws when it comes to marriage, a family lawyer will guide you through the legal requirements for marriage in your state. Additionally a family law attorney can also give advice related to marriage legal responsibility and rights.
If you and your spouse are bringing any pre-owned assets into the marriage, then it’s essential to draft a prenup agreement. A family lawyer is necessary when preparing a prenup agreement before marriage.
Divorce – A divorce can run the gamut of difficulty levels and going through one is probably one of the most draining experiences a family faces. A family lawyer can help mediate, discuss custody issues, and property ownership. A skilled family lawyer can assist divorcing couples with settling matters without necessarily going to court.
Depending on the reasons for divorce, whether it’s abuse, extramarital affairs, or negligence, each party is allowed to have legal representation and has legal rights and liabilities. Some divorce cases have been known to become drawn out, leading to civil lawsuits which then drain resources and time.
The family lawyers at The Richardson Firm will do their best to help you reach compromises and fair terms without going through lengthy court sessions.
Estates and Wills – Drafting and updating estate plans and wills is a continuous process as life changes — children are born, large purchases, etc. These documents are important as they ensure protection of assets once you pass away or are incapable of making decisions.
Family lawyers are responsible for assisting people in drafting wills and estate plans and also legally validating these documents. Additionally, family attorneys have the essentials to ensure that an estate is administered as stated by a deceased via the will.
Custody – The most common thought of family law is for custody issues when it comes to divorce. However, child custody issues are not triggered by divorce alone.
If separated or working through a divorce, every parent has a legal right to protect and care for their children even when separated. In other cases, one could be fighting for custody against the state or other family members. A family lawyer will show a parent the step-by-step procedure of getting full custody of a child.
A family lawyer is best suited to handling family relationships and conflicts among family members. They help members of families to handle family disputes that would otherwise be complicated by emotions. No matter the need, the family lawyers at The Richardson Firm have your family’s best interest at heart while still advocating for each individual’s rights and interests.
Call us at 910-488-5050 to schedule a free consultation with one of our attorneys.